Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Yellowstone In Winter

My family traveled to Yellowstone National Park for our Christmas break.  We hit the road, driving across four states before arriving at our destination.  We then traveled by snow coach to Old Faithful's Snow Lodge, where we cross country skied and took in the scenery and wildlife.  It was a wonderful trip, concluding with a couple days of downhill skiing in Montana.  We'll be paying for this one for a while, but it was something we had to do.

I plan on updating this post as time allows, but for now the pictures will have to tell the story.


Wolves in LamarValley

The drive across Nevada nearing sunset.

Family skiing over the Firehole on a small bridge

Snow Coach departing Mammoth Hot Springs

Map Room at Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel

Lone Star Geyser eruption.

Castle Geyser and moon.

Boys photographing Lone Star Geyser

Wolf sitting and yawning in Lamar Valley

Bison Tracks

Moonlit Bison

Bison near Madison River

Girls and Bison near Old Faithful

Moonlit Bison

Actor Kyle Chandler (seated on right) at Bridger Bowl.